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Family Fun Fitness Tips- Get Active Together- Teach the Kids to Celebrate Earth Day

Posted on Apr 20, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

Celebrate Earth Day – get outside with the kids. Connect with the natural world by exploring and helping the environment. Take a hike, pick up trash, plant a native tree or shrub. Hands-on activities in nature are good for your family’s health and the planet’s.Mondays are a great day to renew Family Health vows. Every Monday, you will find some healthy tip to help your family start the week off on a Healthy Note! Thanks to Healthy Monday organization for sharing their Monday tips.

Children role model healthy fitness and eating habits from their parents. Our website was created to give information and tools to parents and children so the whole family can work as team to establish healthier daily habits for a lifetime of good health.

Visit our website Nourish Interactive for healthy family nutrition and fitness tools and tips! Healthy Family Nutrition Articles Printable Daily Health and Fitness Tips Calendar Healthy Eating Goal Trackers and Food Diaries Interactive Nutrition Education Tools -BMI Calculator, Meal Planners, and more!

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