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School Nutrition

Dec 08, 2010

Child Nutrition Act passes that will help schools feed healthier foods to kids

We are so excited that the Child's Nutrition Act has finally passed.  This bill is a big step in the right direction to help children all over the country get the healthy balanced meals they deserve.But I know many of you wrote your senators and repres...
Nov 03, 2010

Garden programs promote healthy eating to kids

There is a lot of talk about garden programs for kids.  But do they really make a difference?According to a new study conducted by UC Berkley, they do!The study looked at students currently in a garden program at school.  The parents reported that 60...
Oct 11, 2010

National School Lunch Week challenges kids to a fun food-personality quiz to promote healthy habits

This week is national School Lunch Week.This year's theme is "What's On Your Tray?".  A campaign to help kids learn about the foods that make them healthy.Kids can go to to the What's On Your Tray website and take a personality/food quiz that has a cle...
Sep 17, 2010

Back to School means time for healthy lunch ideas

A University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center study earlier this year showed that 30.6 million children consume school lunches, but only 6% of lunch programs meet nutrition requirements set by the School Meals Initiative for Healthy ChildrenSo chances...
Sep 06, 2010

New Let's Move Contest Announced! Recipes for Healthy Kids Challenge- Submit your Recipes White House Contest

Calling all cooks! Interested in submitting a healthy recipe for the new White House recipe contest? Your recipe may be chosen to be included in the Popular Choice Vote or judge by a panel of judge to win these prizesAgriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack a...
Aug 23, 2010

Lunch Encounters video about school food, farm to school and The Child Nutrition Act

Just in time for back to school a new video created by Farm to School Movement"Lunch Encounters of the Third Kind"Learn more about the Farm to School Movement and Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization at Related resources and action gu...
Jul 07, 2010

Schools encouraged to join the HealthierUS School Challenge and receive awards

The "Let's Move" campaign, lead by Michelle Obama, has incorporated the Healthier US School challenge into her campaign.   As part of her goal to raise a healthier generation of kids, there are monetary incentive awards for schools that are focusing on...
Jun 09, 2010

Teacher appreciation award for dedicated nutrition education to children

Thank you Teachers for a wonderful year of learning.   We want you to know that we appreciate the caring and supportive manner in which you teach our children every day.  We applaud your dedication and part in raising a healthy child and incorporating ...
Apr 30, 2010

Nourish Interactive receives American Library Association Award Recommendation

We are very proud to announce that the American Library Association (ALA) has just notified Nourish Interactive that we have received the Seal "Greatest Websites for Kids". Our website will be added to the Association for Library Service to Childr...
Apr 09, 2010

Food Revolution - since when are french fries a vegetable

I have been following the new TV show "Food Revolution" the last couple of weeks.  Was anyone shocked to hear that french fries are counted as a vegetable?No wonder many reports are showing that french fry is the number one vegetable consumed by kids. ...
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