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Back to School means time for healthy lunch ideas

Posted on Sep 17, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

A University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center study earlier this year showed that 30.6 million children consume school lunches, but only 6% of lunch programs meet nutrition requirements set by the School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children

So chances are if your child is eating lunch at school they may not be getting the nutrition they need.  If at all possible, it would be better to send your child to school with a lunch (made from home)

What makes a healthy lunch?

You want to provide at least 4 food groups:

  • a low fat protein (lean sandwich meat, vegetarian protein sources, handful of nuts)
  • a piece of fruit or a handful of dried fruit
  • a 1/2 cup of veggies (baggie of carrot sticks, celery stick with peanut butter, small salad)
  • and something from the milk group (food high in calcium) like cheese, milk or yogurt




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