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Family Health

May 30, 2014

A prescription for ill health infographic tells the sobering facts

I thought I would share this infographic from our friends at Food Day. It is sort of a sobering message of the unhealthy state that most of us our in. Keep points: We need to eat more whole grains (100% wheat bread, brown rice etc) ra...
May 12, 2014

National Food Allergy week - Help Make It a Safer Place For Kids

This week is national Food Allergy Week. I want to do my part in raising awareness to this important condition because it now affects 1 in 13 children. There is no cure for it and teaching children and adults on how to manage children who have...
May 09, 2014

Shout out to my mom for the values she imparted upon me

I just wanted to take a moment to send a shout out to my own mother and my daughter who is now a mother. With Mother's Day comes the reminder of all the things that moms do for us when we are young and when we are grown up! I want to share one...
Apr 14, 2014

Easter egg food safety

This month there will be lots of eggs bought, colored, rolled and eaten! You might be surprised to know that the US produces about 75 billion eggs each year. yes, 75 BILLION (not million)! wow, that's a lot of eggs. Before you eat all the...
Apr 09, 2014

National Nutrition Week provides great free resources for families

This month we remember our friends at the Public Health Department. Every year around the second week in April, the nation recognizes National Public Health week. This year, over 200 partners supported this even with almost 400 public health ev...
Apr 04, 2014

Have you had your garlic today?

This month is national Garlic Month. Because most of us don't just "eat garlic" like you would a bell pepper or carrots, you might have forgotten that garlic is a vegetable. Most of us eat garlic as part of foods that are enhanced/cooked with...
Mar 31, 2014

How does your county rank in health and well-being?

Each year the Robert's Woods Foundation releases a report that ranks our country by county. You can now find out how your county ranked based on 29 different factors that impact health: Check out your community's rankings on diet and exercise. ...
Mar 28, 2014

Your parenting style could make your kids pack on extra pounds

You might not have put the two together but according to a news release by the American Heart Association, how strict you are can affect your child's weight. Are you rigid with rules and light on affection? (authoritarian style) You could be inc...
Mar 26, 2014

Will the new food label changes proposed really make a difference?

A new food label is being proposed by the FDA. The FDA is proposing to update the Nutrition Facts label found on most food packages in the United States. The Nutrition Facts label, which was introduced 20 years ago, helps families make informed ...
Feb 28, 2014

Can you say "Please don't pass the salt"

As we leave February, day of National Heart Month, and we enter March, National Nutrition Month, I thought it fitting to say a few words about salt. I chose salt because too much salt is associated with high blood pressure leading to heart disea...
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