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Nutrition Tips: Healthy Halloween Tips- Top 10 tips to avoid the Halloween Sugar Overload

Posted on Oct 20, 2008 by Maggie LaBarbera

Halloween is sugartime. Is there any hopes in controlling the amount of sugar that our kids eat during this time. It's hard but here is some suggestions I found in this article.

I hope some of these Halloween nutrition tips help:

  • Decide with children, before Halloween, on what is a reasonable amount of candy to eat that night, and beyond. Will the candy be packaged in small bags to make the holiday last longer, rationed to a piece or two a day, donated or thrown away?
  • Feed children dinner before trick or treating so they will not be ravenous and want to fill up on candy while going from house to house.
  • Go out early, when candy-givers are less likely to encourage children to grab a handful of candy so they don't end up stuck with it.
  • Do not ban candy or ditch it when the kids aren't looking; it may just make them want it more.
  • Parents should be good role models by not eating all the candy themselves.
  • Let children enjoy some sweets on the holiday while focusing on good nutrition the rest of the year.
  • Offer candy alternatives alone, or alongside candy, to give trick or treaters a choice.
  • Take some emphasis off candy by focusing on the fun of the holiday, like checking out the costumes and decorated houses.
  • Walk, don't drive, if possible, to get some physical activity in while candy collecting.
  • Suggest kids wait to eat candy until they get home, where parents can inspect the wrappers to ensure they're tightly sealed. Parents should consider throwing out everything else.
New healthy Halloween tips and free printables from our website:

Healthy Halloween Tips-Halloween is sneaking up- Be prepared, manage your child's sweet tooth. Our Halloween Nutrition Article for Parents!

Our top low sugar and no sugar Halloween treats for kids

Fun Healthy Halloween Coloring Pages- printable Halloween themed coloring pages and bookmarks for kids

free Halloween coloring pages and printables




Sunday, Nov 23, 2008 @ 07:43 PM

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I am going to check it, since I saw a comment in another site regarding. Something related to top 10 low sugar candy.
Anaely Acevedo
Monday, Dec 15, 2008 @ 12:48 PM

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This is all about taste. I completely agree with you regarding Reducing Sugar for Trick or Treaters - Nourishing Thoughts, Promoting Healthy Nutrition For Children- Family Nutrition Blog. Maybe you can try to get others to share multicultural recipes and treats. Here are interesting facts.....
Peter Grievik
Sunday, Mar 15, 2009 @ 07:47 AM

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Hello webmaster. Not totally agree with you, but you just gave me an idea for a new eBook regarding \"trition-Healthy Halloween Tips- Reducing Sugar for Trick or Treaters | Nourishing Thoughts, Promoting Healthy Nutrition For Children- Family Nutrition Blog\". It is related to family sweets candy. Thanks.

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