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food companies lobby congress to stop controlled advertising to kids

Posted on Sep 09, 2011 by Maggie LaBarbera

The food and advertising industries are aggressively lobbying Congress to kill proposed voluntary guidelines for marketing to children. According to Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood (CCFC), they’ve hired high-powered lobbyists; flown in company CEOs to meet with the White House and agency leaders; and presented a study predicting economic disaster if the voluntary standards are adopted.

The guidelines are far from perfect—real regulation with enforcement mechanisms is the best way to improve the food environment for children—but they represent an important step. The science-based guidelines the government agencies have proposed are a significant improvement from the food industry’s own self-serving standards.

If you want to voice your concerns and viewpoints on marketing unhealthy foods to kids, you can use this form letter created by  Campaign for a Commercial-free Childhood click here to send an email to food industry CEO’s.

And to if you would like to read CCFC’s comments about the proposed comments, please visit

We, at Nourish Interactive, do not allow advertising to kids.  IF you go to our children's game webpages, you will not find any advertising to children.  We do believe that we can learn some marketing lessons from these food companies.

They do put a lot of emphasis in making their foods appealing through packaging and characters.  We are trying to do the same for healthy foods.  We have healthy minded characters that promote healthy messages and make nutrition fun.  We have rolled up our sleeves and are fighting FUN with FUN!

Please help us get the word out about healthy nutrition games with NO advertisements!

See a list of our nutrition games





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