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Another reason family meals promote a healthy family

Posted on Mar 13, 2009 by Maggie LaBarbera

We have all heard this so many times:

  • It takes about twenty minutes for our stomachs to feel full
But after a busy day, rushing around, it is easy for us to scarf our meal down in 10 minutes flat. My husband can do 5!

But eating that fast, doesn't allow our body to do all the complex processes that need to occur to begin digesting the food and sending that signal back to the brain.

One easy way to slow down that eating time is family time at meal time. Talking and sharing the day is a fun way for families to be together and keep up with each other's busy lives. That includes the kids! They are busy too with all kinds of activities and social interactions affecting their day.

Family meal time helps family stay in tune with each other, share wisdom, model healthy eating habits and yes...slow down the eating time.

Enjoy your meal time as a family and help your child build some healthy habits.



1 Comment

Elaine Mandrona
Saturday, Mar 14, 2009 @ 03:31 AM

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Hi Maggie, This is a great little piece of advice and one more reason to slow down. I have three jobs in two towns and slowing down is not easy. I'm new to Blogcatalog and am just out looking over what's here in the nutrition neighborhood that I might find useful for my nutritional counseling and your site definitely is, especially for keeping in touch with what's important for children. Sadly, ours are all grown up my husband's grandchildren are a long way away. Enjoyed your blog.

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