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National Summer Learning Day-learning does not have to stop during summer

Posted on Jun 20, 2012 by Maggie LaBarbera

Keep kids on track during summer with some fun summer time activities.Summer learning day


Summer Learning Day is celebrated to bring awareness about the importance of summer learning for your child. To succeed in school and life, children and young adults need ongoing opportunities to learn and practice essential skills. And this shouldn’t stop when the school year does. It’s just as important to keep learning during the summer months.
Summer learning is about bringing together fun activities and learning to provide a safe space for the children of working parents.
Summer learning is also…
For all children, not just those who need to catch up in school.
Creative and innovative.
A chance to use the great outdoors as a classroom.
A way to make sure your child is eating healthy and staying active during the summer.
A way for older youth to discover a career through job experiences.
A step up to the next grade or school level.
A tool for helping children and schools perform at their highest level.
As a parent, you can help your child exercise his mind during the summer by turning everyday errands and outings into a learning experience. Download and print out some of the resources below to learn how.


If you are looking for events in your area or better yet, you are hosting an event, you can add it to the Summer Day Learning Map.


Summer Learning Tips for Parents
This sheet offers some overall tips on finding a summer program for your child and other low-cost activities that you can do with your child during the summer months.

More Summer Fun Resources

Summer Healthy Tips Calendars for Kids

Summertime Lunchbox Notes

Remind kids that summer fun goes hand in hand with healthy eating and being active with our sunshine lunch notes.

Summertime Coloring Bookmarks

Remind kids that summer time fun goes hand in hand with healthy eating and being active with our sunshine bookmarks.

Summertime Bookmarks

Remind kids that summer time fun goes hand in hand with healthy eating and being active with our sunshine bookmarks.






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