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Help kids eat more fiber with simple tips

Posted on May 24, 2010 by Maggie LaBarbera

Fiber is so important in our diets and most kids (and even adults) don't get enough.

I have put together some helpful tips to help you get your child  gradually increase fiber in their diet:

  • Choose whole grain cereals for breakfast such as Raisin Bran or Wheat Bran.  Select cereals with at least 3 grams of fiber or more per serving.
  • Eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juices. Whole fruit has more fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Plus an apple or a handful of berries will keep your child feeling full longer than a glass of fruit juice.
  • Use whole grain bread, rolls, pita or bagels for sandwiches
  • Before your kids get home from school, set out a bowl of carrots, celery, cucumbers or cherry tomatoes with a low fat dip for snacking.
  • Replace white rice, bread and pastas with brown rice and whole grain products. If your kids resist at first, try mixing in half brown rice or whole wheat pasta and gradually add more.
  • Cut back on refined foods. In many refined foods, the fiber containing parts have been removed.
  • Snack on dried fruits such as apricots, figs or raisins. Have your child make their own trail mix using raisins, peanuts, and oat bran cereal.
  • Encourage your child to use the Nutrition Facts label to find out how much fiber is in each serving of food. A good rule of thumb to remember is if the food has 5 grams or more per serving it is considered high in fiber.
  • Be a positive role model; children learn many of their behaviors by watching what older siblings and grown-ups do. The next time the fresh vegetables are passed to you, take a serving and say, “I love fresh vegetables!” Soon your child will be eating it and saying they love it too.
You may also be interested in: Fiber and Your Child: How Much Fiber is Enough? 'Nourish Healthy Kids'

Foods to Boost Your Child’s Fiber PDF of foods high in fiber ( nutrition information serving size and grams)

Healthy Foods Shopping List Print a grocery list organized by the Food Pyramid groups

Fun web pages for kids:

Fiber and Healthy Hearts Story for Kids Cute nutrition story written for children

Fiber Power – Kids Fun Contract To Eat More Fiber Agreement sheet to set goals to eat more fiber rich foods

Fiber Power – Tracking Sheet for Kids Encourage more fiber rich foods - keep track daily and weekly.

Color and Learn About High Fiber Foods Fun coloring page that teaches children about fiber

kids fiber food coloring page





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