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Resources to help your family eat less sugar this holiday

Posted on Oct 30, 2015 by Maggie LaBarbera

Friday Finds to Nourish Your Day:  

It’s Friday and we are happy to share these resources and materials to help you promote how to eat less sugar to nourish the children in your lives!

Parenting Articles

Eat with Your Brain

Parenting article about healthy eating at home. Dr Lisa Hinz shares her thoughts and expertise on the psychology of making healthier food choices. When you understand how to change your mindset, you can change your habits and your family's by thinking differently about food. How to redefine the way you think about foods.

Mindful Meals

Dr Lisa Hinz discusses the importance of mindfulness when you eat. Tips for teaching children to be alert and aware of their body's needs and what they are putting on their plate. Learn the difference between mindful meals vs mindless meals.

More than just a Meal

Dr Lisa Hinz shares insight into the benefits of eating together as a family. Studies have shown that children who have regular family meals seem to choose healthier foods when they are older. There are many other benefits as well! Learn some key strategies for making family meal time a daily event.

Say “Yes” to Dessert – in Moderation

It is dangerous to deem any food inherently “bad,” or off limits. Forbidding a food or group of foods such as sweets or sugar can set it up as mysterious and desirable. Learn some easy steps on how to offer dessert to children that promotes healthy eating habits.

Printables that focus on less sugar

Healthy Heart Parenting Tips -Reducing Salt, Sugar, and Cholesterol From Your Family Meal

We know that children's diet tend to be to high in sodium (salt), sugar and cholesterol. None of these are good for a healthy heart. Here are some specific tips to help parents reduce salt, sugar and cholesterol from their child's meal.

Published: Mar 19, 2014

Grades: PreK-5

Ages: 3-13

Fall Festival Healthy Treat Candy Substitution List

Here are some helpful Fall festival planning ideas to help kids have a fun and healthy Fall festival. Planning ideas for schools and parents.

Published: Sep 17, 2014

Grades: PreK-5

Ages: 2-13






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